OfficialFaceland Wiki

Welcome to the Faceland Wikia

Welcome to Faceland, home of the memes. We pride ourselves in being a close knit Minecraft RPG community. Our server is supported by many custom plugins which are constantly being added and updated for a fuller Minecraft experience. These include, but are not limited to: custom stats, quests, drops and fishing! Thank you for joining and welcome to the family!

(And if you haven't yet joined, here you go ^-^):

Our goal

Due to base Minecraft updates and the custom updates that come along with them, Faceland can be a tad complicating to keep up with for our new and returning players. The staff and trusted members of the Faceland community have made this place of wisdom to help answer any questions that you may have, quickly and efficiently.

Gameplay Quests
Stats Newbie Quests
Armor Daily Quests
Weapons Exploration Quests
Socket Gems General Quests
Enchantment Tomes Levelup Milestones
Upgrade Scrolls Lifetime Rewards
Hall of Terror


Weapon List

Armor List
